This OK Go video took 124 takes and — as Gizmodo points out — was shot with 12 dogs, one goat, 12 trainers, 38 buckets and all sorts of furniture. It also was shot with NO CUTS — everything you see here is live. And the song’s great, too!
On a barely-related note, check out this op-ed in the WaPo from OK Go’s lead singer, Damian Kulash. He writes at length about net neutrality, a concept too few people understand, and he also gets in a dig about what’s wrong with the music industry:
Music is subjective, of course, so you don’t have to agree with my assessment of what’s innovative and what’s trash. But business is less so, and the past decade of the music industry is as clear an example as you can find of what happens when the depth of pockets, not the quality of ideas, is the arbiter of success. It’s been like a corporate version of the Three Stooges: absurd flailing, spectacular myopia and willful ignorance of reality. Now that the big record companies have made themselves obsolete, bands such as mine can make a better living without their help than we can with it.
Now, let’s substitute a few words. What do we get?
News is subjective, of course, so you don’t have to agree with my assessment of what’s innovative and what’s trash. But business is less so, and the past decade of the news industry is as clear an example as you can find of what happens when the depth of pockets, not the quality of ideas, is the arbiter of success. It’s been like a corporate version of the Three Stooges: absurd flailing, spectacular myopia and willful ignorance of reality. Now that the big media companies have made themselves obsolete, journalists can make a better living without their help than we can with it.
Well, that last sentence isn’t really true yet. But I think it will be.