
I have no recollection of this at all — but, as the British would say, it appears to be a fair cop. I must have been headed home after a late day, and I must have chosen this route down South Capitol because of bad traffic. I might drive this way once every three months. Enjoy the video and watch for the gray hatchback at the end — the District was kind enough to send me stills showing that this was unmistakably my car, as well as a link to the lovely video. I’m now $150 ($150!) poorer:

Previously: Harps old and new | Hokum home

  1. Patrick

    In my month-long recovery from a computer failure, I’ve just revived all my feeds! And about this, I have so many questions. Those cameras take video? Where do they post it? Did they post the video somewhere and you ripped it/converted it, or do they send you a file? How does this work? I had no idea this data process even existed.

    (Also, check out the Subscribe To Comments plugin. That way your WP will email me when you answer all of these burning questions….)

  2. Randy

    I don’t know if all the cameras take video, but this one did. When D.C. sent me the bill in the mail, it included a link and a password to a website that let me view and/or download the video. Then I just dumped it to YouTube.

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