Seven years

That’s how long Hokum has been around now. I’ve managed to keep it going because I’ve never forced myself to write when I had no inspiration — even recently, when weeks have passed on a few occasions without a post.

Hokum was largely a microblog when I started — I’d dash off a few grafs about something and that was that. I find myself doing that less often now, although that development is counterintuitive in a Twitter world. In fact, the whole concept of blogging seems old and quaint now; people seem to be abandoning the medium in favor of just sending and receiving random waves of data. I hate that because it creates what electronics guys call a bad signal-to-noise ratio, but so be it.

Anyway, here are links to a few of my favorite posts in the last year:

Jost Van Dyke

Another Saturday night

The cruelest game

A night at the opera at the ballpark

The online Lillestons

Notes from a 52-year-old on turning 30

Sixteen trips to Vegas

One for Levon Helm

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