The holiday potluck pie

There is a sweet potato pie in my oven right now. I don’t make my sweet potato pie for just anyone, especially the complicated version that’s topped with chopped, toasted pecans and drizzled with maple syrup. Unless something goes terribly wrong, it will be a damn good sweet potato pie.

This sweet potato pie is for my new co-workers. There’s a holiday potluck tomorrow and I’m bringing this pie as my way of saying ‘howdy.’ Now, if I really wanted to say ‘howdy,’ I would have brought a smoked brisket, but a man’s got to know his co-workers better before he springs a brisket on them. My brisket is a serious commitment and I do not offer it to others lightly.

Sweet potato pie is more of an introductory present, sort of like bringing flowers to the door on a first date. The trick is to not bring the trashy flowers from the corner supermarket. If I wanted to bring the trash flower equivalent of pie, I would have whipped up a canned, forgettable, inferior, overrated pumpkin pie. But I’m bringing the good flowers, er, pie.

UPDATE: Evanston again tries to flare up the pie war.

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