The really uninteresting part of The Show is in full swing, and the lesser lights are getting clipped in no particular order. This week’s departee basically was culled from the herd for being too uninteresting — because she has some impressive chops.
Nosferatu lives, though, as does the this year’s version of the modestly talented but appealing-to-the-little-girls boy. I watched Chicken Little go through this pain-fest last year — week after week of clearly being less talented than the others, and knowing it to be true, and being trudged out to perform again. It’s really awful to watch.
We’ve got about another four or five weeks to go until we start thinning the really top-notch talent, although history indicates that someone will be sent home many weeks too early. Until this little scenario gets more Darwinistic (and I find ‘learning-and-growing’ contestants I can root against), I’ll pay less attention.